I'm posting this today because I've spent most of the day finishing off creating resources and activities for air cadets and non-church youth groups about the work of MAF. Above and Beyond is the youth section of MAF and we're trying to boost awareness of the work of MAF in more young people. It's quite an exciting time with air cadet squadrons opening their doors to MAF reps to talk about the work of this awesome organisation.
Who knows, maybe in a couple of years' time we'll be having mission aviation camps and sending groups of young people on field trips to Uganda... It's early days yet but I'm pretty excited about what's ahead. A potential link with the Air Cadet Organisation could be a great way for Air Cadets to fulfill the Residential requirement for their Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Primarily, though, it is a great way to raise awareness and maybe get some fundraising underway. Here's to the way forward.
Thanks for all your hard work Miriam - anyone out there interested to find out more, check out www.aboveandbeyonduk.org