I've gotta say that today has been a "tread carefully - ego's present" kinda day. Testosterone was a-flowing. One very senior instructor wanted to book the 150 Aerobat for some aerobatics training. I was aware of an Airworthiness Directive on all 150s and 152s preventing spinning (and possibly other aerobatic activity) but wasn't sure if the problem had been fixed so I questioned whether we were okay with aero's in general. This senior instructor somehow interpreted this query as me questioning his authority and/or legitimacy to perform the aerobatic detail. Like I would dare to question such a highly decorated, well-seasoned instructor... Poor Ego. Let me massage you a bit. All those long hours of having people listen to you and heed your highly experienced wisdom must be taking its toll.
Generally known as Sky God to all (including most instructors) I cannot imagine how he could possibly perceive that I would be questioning his authority. All he has to do is look at me and I feel thoroughly inadequate for the job I perform. Luckily for me a senior mechanic was on hand to advise on the specifics of the AD. It strikes me as greatly peculiar how someone with nearly two decades of providing flying instruction and ground school tuition, not to mention the authority to sign people off for their Pilot's License could be so amazingly poor at communication. I am aghast. This is also not the first time his gross misconceptions have almost landed me in deep water and I have no doubt that in the one week I have remaining in this job it will not be the last. It's one thing to have a very male-dominated environment. It's another thing completely to have dominating pragmatist male environment. Three cheers for aviation!
Come on girls!! - get your instructor ticket ASAP!!
I wonder if mission aviation has the same trouble... I work in a highly secular environment, but there must be similarities. If so, I think I shall create a list of "things you'll never see on the official prayer letter but still need praying for". We are all human after all :)
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